This week we held the great baton handoff from our Spring Student Group to our new Summer Crew here for our Millennial Generation Publishing Team. As we continue this exciting adventure into publishing for this next generation—we have seen so much value in working with this next generation to do so.
Our summer 2011 interns will be immersed in audience-centered publishing. To put it simply: We as a publishing team (within Moody Publishers) exist to know, love, and serve the Millennial Generation. We believe God is at work in this generation, and our interns will not only learn about publishing, create content, share their opinions, attend meetings, and ask any questions they want—but we are counting on our summer team to add lasting value to the work we are doing. From their first day here we value our interns as a real, live part of our team.
Based on their skill-sets and passion areas, our Millennial Generation Team members will partner with both Marketing and Acquisitions in all kinds of ways. They’ll help us craft strategies to serve our audience. They’ll continue the charge to create a peer-led student publishing group (more on that later)! They’ll assist with the acquisition of new content. They’ll do tons of research. They’ll explore what publishing will look like in the future (hopefully it will involve a flying DeLorean)… They’ll assess book covers, design options, proposals, and all kinds of other fun stuff.
We consider it a great honor to partner with the Moody Bible Institute and other universities all over the country to learn alongside these talented students. Keep checking back here to read more from our team as we explore this new territory.
Randall Payleitner is the Acquisitions Editor for the Millennial Generation Publishing Team at Moody Publishers. He is also a Millennial. You can follow him on Twitter @Payleitner